Tuesday, September 12, 2006

DVDomination #6

I'm sorry for the gap in coverage Monday as it was September 11th and while America mourned their loss that day 5 years ago I mourned the loss of my hard drives contents 5 hours ago. as second time is the charm, here are the weeks three picks...

1) The Star Wars Trilogy: Limited Editions [A New Hope / The Empire Strikes Back / Return of the Jedi]

At last those millions of voices crying out in terror can be silenced as the original theatrical editions make their way to DVD packed in with the enchanced 2004 cuts. Those anxious to see Han shoot first and sick of seeing that honey combs mascot belt out "Jedi rocks" finally have their childhood memories restored to the way they were, but if you have a bad feeling about this you're right. The original theatrical editions presented here lack an anamorphic transfer and contain only a basic dolby 2.0 mix of each of the three episodes. Also keep in mind the possability of an ultimate edition for the 30th anniversary of Star Wars next year.

So while Han shoots first, Lucasfilm laughs last.

Special Features
• Theatrical editions [?!]
• Commentary on the 2004 editions

2) The Office: Season 2

Justin says: With the cancellation of Arrested Development and the downward spiral that was the last season of Scrubs (known around these parts as "The Keith"), The Office is officially the funniest thing on television. Last season Carell and crew struggled to differentiate itself from its British big brother, but in season 2 is where the show begins to hit its groove and carve out it's own quirky little niche.

Special Features
Commentary on 10 episodes by cast and crew
• Deleted Scenes
• Fake PSAs
• Webisodes from NBC.com
• Blooper Reel
• Olympics promo
• Steve on Steve
• "Faces of Scranton" video (from the episode "Valentine's Day")

3) Lucky Number Slevin

Those of you out there looking for a modest crime caper will find Lucky Number Slevin to be a nice romp sporting a solid cast headed up by Josh Harnett, Lucy Lui and the ever balding Bruce Willis. In it the titular Slevin is caught in a case of mistaken identity by two mob bosses [Morgan Freeman and Ben Kingsley] who use him as a pawn while a mysterious assassin known as Mr. Goodkat stays hot on his tail. Expect lead to be exchanged and backs to be stabbed in this quirky tale.

Special Features
• Commentary by actors Josh Hartnett and Lucy Liu and writer
• Jason Smilovic
• Commentary by director Paul McGuigan
• "Making Lucky Number Slevin" featurette
• Deleted scenes and alternate ending

Thus concludes another week of the DVDomination. As always buy accordingly and without hesitation avoiding foolish UMDs and other nonsensical media trappings.


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