Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Retromendation #5

Welcome to another installment of Retromendation, where we cure your movie draught with a bevy of spectacular flicks pulled from the '80's and beyond! We return this week with a real winner from the pre-Star Wars '70's.

The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother

Sigerson Holmes, the titular brother of the infamous sleuth investigates a case revolving around stage hall singer Jenny Hill with the help of Scotland Yard detective Orville Sacker. The trail leads them to none other than equally infamous Moriarty who once again weaves an elaborate web of crime in order to obtain a secret document of great importance.

Worthwhile because: This is pure, straight up Gene Wilder. After the success of Young Frankenstein Wilder directed and starred in this chaotic caper with longtime collaborators Madeline Khan and Marty Feldman

Also Because: The Bunny hop.

Memorable quote: “The clue obviously lies in the word "cheddar." Let's see now. Seven letters. Rearranged, they come to, let me see: "Rachedd." "Dechdar." "Drechad." "Chaderd" - hello, chaderd! Unless I'm very much mistaken, chaderd is the Egyptian word meaning "to eat fat." Now we're getting somewhere!”

This lacks the gravitas of Wilder’s collaborations with Mel Brooks but for those looking for a pure dose of Wilder’s warped mind you’d be hard pressed to find a better flick to fit the bill. Anything in which Gene Wilder and Madeline Khan star is sure to be a fun filled time.


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